Future Ready Customer Care
High-impact sales programme based on the classroom-based application of revolutionary engagement techniques
The “Future Ready” project involved the whole customer care, consumer and business teams at Vodafone. The aim was to create an initiative with a significant impact on customer operations’ staff, supporting them in making the most of their incoming calls as opportunities to make sales and generate value.
- Replacing aggressive sales tactics based on sales proposals with an approach that recognises sales as a moment of “over-caring”
Client care and sales have historically been seen as two separate fields, as is the system of attitudes, skills, and approaches necessary to effectively manage each of them. In recent years, however, customer experience dynamics are undergoing a profound shift, and the connecting roles will only continue to increase in complexity to optimise how moments of honesty with clients are utilised.
This path developed in two phases: The “acceleration” path sought to give a serious push to the sales activity, while in the “ongoing” path, an OTJ implementation stage, sales results were considerably raised across all the targets.
Future Ready is an innovative project based on an “immersive bootcamp” concept designed by the Newton Factory.
In these bootcamps, techniques and mindsets are acquired through practice, where specialist actors are guided by the teacher using headphones, delivering powerful teaching dynamics through realistic simulations.
The innovation is further supported by the backbone of the project,Radio Future Ready,created for and with the workers and through immersion in a digital environment where, alongside the bootcamp, the staff benefitted from original video courses and Newton-produced video series on “soft” subjects that facilitate sales.
A specific pathway of support for team leaders and collective gaming meetings (“quiz sessions”) has multiplied the degree of engagement and delivered support for the practice.