Leadership Dilemma
The recent social, economic, health and geopolitical upheaval has exposed an increasing degree of complexity that is giving companies and those communicating on their behalf a new way of facing the future, new challenges and new paradigms. Poste Italiane (the Italian postal service) has employed Newton’s innovative spirit to train its management on a new leadership model based on “Stories 3.0”

- Enabling an intensely practical approach to acquiring the leadership model
- Engaging and retaining participants’ interest “from afar” employing a methodology based on very few moments of theory and based entirely on experimentation
- Offering a model able to effectively and efficiently cover many and diverse populations
The Newton approach has matured over recent years with the development of educational models that rise to the challenge of the emerging complexities. The way in which managers learn is no longer purely cognitive, they need to learn and grow through practice, taking in a model for improvement that they are then able to employ independently on a day-to-day basis.
The “Leadership 3.0” approach is based on this understanding, on training and on “try & learn” as a model for action. The instructional framework is based on the “Stories 3.0” methodology developed and applied by Newton in over 300 projects in the past three years. This is based on immersion in a business video-story which draws participants in and offers a third dimension (in addition to the cognitive and emotional): interaction with the story itself.

The Leadership 3.0 approach is best viewed as a training gym that takes place overall various four-hour “gym sessions”. Each “gym session” revolves around the participants’ interaction with different chapters in the story.
This method affords the participants an opportunity to experiment with leadership in different situations, and to create a distinctive connection between the leadership exercise and the impact this has on interpersonal and business relationships.
This approach facilitates extensive involvement and creates a high impact despite its virtual nature. It can also be delivered in “live” sessions and in a “Full Digit” (fully digital) format for individual use on tablet or computer.