Paradox: The Conflicts in the New Way of Working

Newton product, V Radio variation format available

Available in audio, video or podcast forms, Paradox is a product that tackles the paradoxes and urban myths of the so-called “New Way of Working”. Taking a straightforward approach, this format is adaptable and can be fully personalised.

  • Positioning or repositioning corporate communication


  • Engaging the company’s workforce by making the most of approaches taken from radio


  • Surprising with an irreverent and ironic tone of communication


  • Exploiting and adding value to the company’s internal and external channels of communication


  • Publishing #trending topics for the company and its target audience

Each episode of Paradox, led by one of Newton’s speakers together with company managers and important guests, has a specific objective: addressing a specific paradox in the New Way of Working, understanding it, and laying the foundations to rise to it.

A few of the paradox-episodes
The Smart Paradox

We have never before had so many smart tools at our disposal, and we have never before been such non-smart workers.

The Talent Paradox

Never before has talent been so widely discussed, and never before has the talent drained away from corporate life to such an extent.

The Diversity Paradox

It has never been more important to embrace diversity and inclusion, and we have never before been so homogeneous and exclusionary.

The Leadership Paradox

We have never before spent so much on leadership pathways, and we have never before experienced such a lack of great leaders.

The Empathy Paradox

The need for empathy has never been greater, and we have never before been so emotionally detached.

The Sustainability Paradox

Never before have there been so many business committees dedicated to sustainability, and we have never before been so unsustainable.

Project activities
Devising the custom Paradox format
Brainstorming and drafting scripts for 10+ episodes
Filming, editing and post-production
Producing teaser content for social media (LinkedIn, but also Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok) sharing trailers and clips ad hoc through relevant channels with posts, stories, carousels etc.
Finalising content suitable for video (via the corporate LMS or YouTube channel) and podcast (via LMS, internal newsletter or Spotify channel)
Ad hoc sound design editing with a music producer
Setting out and launching a strategy through the company’s internal and/or external communication channels

Interested in working on the paradoxes at the heart of your organisation? Let us know.

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